Introducing: Ashiatsu Therapy

Here at Amuure Holistic Healing, I am always looking for new techniques and therapies to introduce to my clients. It is with great delight that I can say I am adding Ashiatshu Therapy to my list of treatments.

What is Ashiatsu Therapy?

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Ashiatsu is a type of massage therapy that utilizes the feet to give a deep-tissue massage. A once ancient, Eastern practice, it is now used across the Western world for those who want to experience a luxury massage that goes deeper into the tissue of the body. Literally translated from Japanese to ‘foot’ [ashi] and ‘pressure’ [atsu'], this practice involves practitioners often holding onto specially-attached ceiling bars while walking on a client’s back, utilizing the feet - and gravity - to perform a deeper massage.

What are the benefits?

We already know the benefits of deep tissue massage for pain relief, however, Ashiatshu Therapy takes this one step further, providing a more holistic, deeper massage, often resulting in longer lasting results.

  • Reduction of chronic pain: Deep tissue massage has a world of benefits when it comes to reducing chronic pain. By manipulating the deeper layers of soft tissue, loosening tighter muscles and increasing circulation, it can reduce tension and pain. Ashiatsu utilizes compression techniques than can loosen adhesions and release connective tissues which create most of our pain and discomfort. In doing so, alignments can go back into place.

  • Deeper than deep-tissue: Traditional deep tissue massage utilizes thumbs, fists and elbows. For some clients, this can be uncomfortable and sometimes result in bruising. Ashiatsu utilizes the feet - which have a bigger surface area than pointy elbows and thumbs - and body weight, which allows for much greater pressure. Overall, the feeling of Ashiatsu is much more gentle, but with deeper pressure.

  • Improved flexibility: By using the feet to massage, Ashiatsu therapists are able to create long, gravity-assisted strokes which broaden and lengthen the muscle fibers. The long, fluid stroked help to flush the body’s lympatic system and release metabolic waste at a faster rate. By stretching the tissues in different directions, flexibility can be improved and restored.

  • Further benefits: Find out more about the benefits here.

Will it work for me?

Ashiatsu therapy is not for everyone. We want to ensure that all of our clients are receiving the best treatment for them, and in some cases, Ashiatsu is not the correct form of therapy. With that in mind, we ensure that all of our clients looking to receive Ashiatsu Therapy have to complete a comprehensive form - found here - and receive release from their physician.


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