Complimentary and alternative healthcare vs. conventional medicine: how are they different for treating pain?

Holistic healthcare differs from conventional medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Conventional medicine focusses on addressing the singular illness, rather than assessing the body as a whole. It assumes that the illness or pain is a biomedical mechanism based on a single factor cause – rather than considering biological, social and psychological factors which could all contribute to the illness.

In holistic practices, identifying the disease is not the singular goal – as the illness is viewed as effects of the patient’s individual lifestyle and so, treatment will vary from person to person. In traditional medicine, treatments are standardized and NSAIDs, corticosteroid medications or injections, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are prescribed. Conversely, complimentary and alternative practices promote natural solutions, supplements, diet and exercise regimens, that should be undertaken alongside prescribed medication.

Pain – no matter where on the body it is – can be disabling, uncomfortable and disempowering. More and more conventional doctors are recommending holistic methods in combination with more traditional methods. Alternative practices include: mindfulness, CBT, diet-based therapies, acupuncture, expressive arts therapy, amongst others.

Are you thinking of incorporating holistic therapies into your lifestyle? Here are some of our best blogs on how you can manage pain with alternative therapy:

The best yoga poses to relieve lower back pain

What is an anti-inflammatory diet, and is it for me?

Holistic health for pain management

Did you know your diet can reduce your arthritis symptoms?

CBT and Pain: how to use cognitive behavioral therapy to manage pain




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